Charge the vegetables❗️ 今日は 《 ハーブ鶏とケールのサラダ 》
Natural Boby Purification
Charge the vegetables❗️
今日は 《 ハーブ鶏とケールのサラダ 》
Today "Herb chicken and keel salad"
Kale is a green-yellow vegetable containing a lot of β carotene. Its content is about 5 times that of tomatoes. Vitamin E and vitamin C are also contained abundantly, and none of these nutrients has high "antioxidant power", it suppresses active oxygen and works to prevent aging (oxidation) in the body. It is thought to be useful for prevention of lifestyle diseases such as arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction. It is rich in lutein which is said to have strong antioxidant power and good eye health.
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