Charge the power❗️ 今日は 《 水素でリカバリー 》
Natural Boby Purification
Charge the power❗️
今日は 《 水素でリカバリー 》
Today "Physical recovery with hydrogen"
是非一度ご体験頂ければ幸です。 ◆営業日:
7月18日(水) 7:00~21:00(最終受付20:30)
7月25日(水) 7:00~21:00(最終受付20:30)
8月22日(水) 7:00~21:00(最終受付20:30)
8月29日(水) 7:00~21:00(最終受付20:30) ◆場所:
東京都 武蔵野市吉祥寺本町2-31-2 ケヤキビル3F
(鍼灸Salon Lilium内) ◆完全予約制 (当日予約可)
Are you interested in a reliable and reliable hydrogen recovery service that many top athletes positively utilize to restore physical condition?
Natsu Bate / Wake up / sleep / Bad sleep / atopy / diabetes
Maybe you can help those of you.
It is a reliable and trustworthy service that we are offering directly to the active Olympic medalist, various competition top athletes.
We offer this hydrogen recovery service on Wednesday only.
If you can experience it by all means it will be a pleasure. ◆ Business days:
Wednesday, July 18 (Wednesday) 7: 00 ~ 21: 00 (last reception 20: 30)
July 25 (Wednesday) 7: 00 ~ 21: 00 (last reception 20: 30)
Wednesday, August 22, 7: 00 ~ 21: 00 (last reception 20: 30)
Wednesday, August 29 (Wednesday) 7: 00 ~ 21: 00 (last reception 20: 30) ◆ Location:
2-31-2 Kichijojimoto cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo Kayakibiru 3F
(Acupuncture moxa inside Salon Lilium) ◆ Full reservation system (available on the day)
#vegetables #vegan #ldl #hdl #bodymake # #topathlete #athlete #tokyoolympic #2020年東京オリンピック #2020olympics #hydrogen #糖尿病 #アトピー #水素水 #体質改善 #golf #diet #dietfood #健康 #筋肉女子
#naturalboby #natural #リカバリー #回復 #hydrogen #夏バテ